
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sick Spring

I thought we made it through winter without any major trips to the doctor. Then Spring Break comes and we have been to the doctor probably 10 times! Seriously. Son has had pink eye since spring break and yesterday we went to an eye doctor. Diagnosis: Allergies. Nice. 500 dollars in copay's and eye drops. What did we get? ANOTHER prescription for eye drops that nobody has and they have to order. And what do we do now? Go back to the eye doctor next Monday for a recheck! My sweet daughter is currently running a high fever since Saturday. She missed Carter's birthday and she was devastated. She wanted to know if he would invite her next year. I took her to After Hours on Sunday and they said her ear infection had never cleared up. Well it is Tuesday and we still have fever. She ate a goldfish yesterday. A GOLDFISH. So she threw up this morning, I am sure from lack of food. Mommy Diagnosis : VIRAL and not just an ear!
I am a little worried that we might have the SWINE FLU and I wish they would stop talking about it on the Today Show.


Michelle said...

Or it could be MRSA!

Bre said...

You crack me up. I can always count on you as my friend to present the worst diagnosis possible in a given when Carter was 6 months and you told me it could be cancer...

Unknown said...

I never said that...but I might have said peanut allergy.