I just wanted to share with anyone who reads this why I think Children's Ministry is such an awesome place to serve. We just finished an awesome week of Vacation Bible School here at Westwood. For those of you that love numbers, we have numbers. We had 79 decisions made to ask Jesus to be their boss of their life! We had and average of over 1200 people at VBS each day. Over 850 elementary students registered. These amazing kids scraped couch cushions, asked neighbors and brought in piggy banks to send over $2600 to missionaries in Africa. A 2nd grader was able to collect boxes of toothpaste, toothbrushes and sugarless gum for children in Africa. Six parents made decisions to accept Christ. One parent walked through the doors on Wednesday and accepted Christ in the Library of the church.
For me it is not about numbers, it is about the stories. The individual stories of the lives changed. Friday is the day we pull all the children who filled out decision cards and bring them downstairs to talk individually with a decision partner. We answer questions and pray with them individually. Watching a wave of mostly wet (from game time) children come down those stairs is exciting. It is the story of a little boy who was on fire for God and told me he thought he could feel God with him all day so much he thought he could touch him. It is about a little boy who comes from a lost home and does not come to church but was SAVED. It is about the shy baseball player who made a stand to accept Christ. It is most exciting when you know them. Friday, I watched 3 girls from my Awana class walk down those stairs. My heart swelled until I thought it would explode. To know these girls personally and to get to hear them tell me what being a Christian means and to explain Jesus to me and then to say I want to ask him to come in my heart and start a relationship with him...folks that is priceless. Friday night I sat and wondered if some never get that opportunity to lead someone to Christ. I remember a time in my life where the idea of praying someone to Christ was frightening. By serving I have learned that I am a tool. I am just a present individual and God does all the work. I have sat with some of those girls in AWANA a many a Wednesday night...but God chose VBS as the time to prompt their hearts. I felt beyond honored to get to witness them make their design.
Matt Haines recently spoke to us children workers one night and said, they may not even remember your name one day but for now your presence is enough and it matters.
And I have served long enough to know serving isn't always full of moments that make you feel good because serving is not about you. It is about HIM. It is all about HIM. And He teaches me more through service then He does through any area of my life. When I saw those children coming down the stairs, my first thought was how as a parent am I doing to raise children who will one day may walk down those stairs and be saved. It is the moments with these kids when I am reminded of childlike faith, uncomplicated and honest.
The people that serve in this area of the church are so dedicated and fun. I could not even begin to name names of all who give themselves so freely. These volunteers come in all ages. There are mothers, fathers, singles and grandparents. It takes a world of volunteers to make children's ministry happen and God sends them all. I am so glad He called me. So why not you?
Fabulous post. Love it and you!!
Great post! That's what all of the hard work & long hours are all about, leading those precious children to Christ.
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