Weight loss is at 25 lbs and inches loss is at 20 1/4 inches. The nazi's are being nice to me lately so I am not sure what they have up their sleeve. But I am worried. They even gave me a ribbon to visualize the inches that are gone off my body. 9 inches off my waist since I started! I am not even OBESE any more, just OVERWEIGHT. It has been an emotional road and I think I have perspired or cried each LB off this body. The people at the gym don't even look at me funny anymore. They know I am there to catch up on the HILLS or Oprah and then take it out on some machines. I get very excited when I get to reprogram my workout watch to a new weight. One thing I have noticed at the gym that is different for men and women. I NEVER see women weigh in at the gym. I see men weigh in all the time. I even watch some men come in weigh, work out some and then weigh again. What is that for? Are they trying to weigh more or less?
Son brought his first friend home from school. It was for bring a friend to AWANA night. He took him into his room and taught him his bible verse he had to know for that evening. Then he whispered to me, "Can we make my friend cookies? He needs hot cookies." So I made "hot out of the oven"cookies and did not eat one!!! That is something I will never forget. Son bringing his first school friend home and teaching him a bible verse before playing video games. This was the same night we had to tell son's baseball coach that church can before baseball practice. I am so glad we did!
Now your phrase about "MG, put on your seat belt or the police will get you!" will not work because she has already been in a police car and is not scared. She'll be that friend that other moms warn their children about. "You're going out with who? MG, no way! She AND her mom have done time in the clinker." I hope if she gets busted it's for something better than a Fisher Price table! SAD on so many levels!
First of all, I am jealous and sad for me that you are not in the "obese" category with me anymore. Maybe laying off fried foods and cold glasses of milk will make a difference...
Maybe I need to take you shopping with me so you can "grab me some great deals"
Was it sad that the teachers were just as excited as the kids to see Sparky and the remote control fire truck?!
You did not mention your two new friends at work- that should top your week off wonderfully. Or the sick and bleeding students at Tyler's school. But there is still Friday to go.
Wow, All I can say is like mother like daughter. LOVE IT!! Carter will be her friend. I wanted to be your friend during your police adventures, but you chose differently ;) (LOL)
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