It may have taken me awhile to see the ocean with new eyes but it doesn't take me long to make the connection to the Creator. My problems seem so big when I am looking from the wrong direction. It is bad theology to live that way. I am really saying I believe I am separated from God. But I am not. He is omnipresent. He is right here with me now. And if I bring my anxieties, my fears, my problems to Him then they will disappear in His prescence. Are the situations in my life that cause pain and hurt gone? No but I stop relying on me to fix it and I trust His wisdom, His power and His plan over my agenda.
Thankful for the reminder. He is bigger. His love is great and wide.
Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and everything that moves in them. (Psalm 69:34 ESV)
In Him,