I have talked about hair on this blog.
My mother was particular about my sister and I and how we maintained our hair. She always was trying out new home remedies to make our hair shiny, curly and straight. If there was ever anything wrong in your world, mother's advice was and still is: "if you would roll your hair, it would make you feel better." I believe she invented sponge rollers and hot rollers.
Last summer I started letting my hair grow. Over the past year, we have seen friends and acquaintances lose their hair to chemo. One of my friends even blogged about shopping with her mom for a wig. After reading this post, I knew I could grow a head-full of hair to donate. Today I walked into the hair salon with wet hair and two ponytails. The hairdresser cut off 2 different 9 inch ponytails. I will be donating my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. (Thanks Tamara for the information!) If you are considering donating your hair, click on the link and see the requirements. I love that this does not charge the cancer patients for the wig and provides a free human hair wig.
Cancer can take away things like hair but it can't take away prayers. Please continue to pray for Emily and follow her caring bridge site for updates.