Feeling like myself today.
I slept last night and appreciate all you Roach Readers and your prayers. Part of my healing time is spent on my front porch because no steps are involved.
I love my rock front porch. It is layered with quilts made by both our grandmothers and great grandmothers. Peanut must think it is awesome too
considering it is was her birthing suite and now nursery.

Daughter enjoys my great grandmother's old rockers and spends plenty of time rocking little kittens in between their nursing. We have told her she does not need to help Peanut be a mother but she is sure we are wrong. I am pretty sure this is a good indication why she is the baby and not the middle child. If I ever had another child, I don't think she would ever let me be the mother.

I can use my walker and sit out on this rock porch and watch the cars go by. Occasionally friends blow their horn and people at the bank wave.
I think about these rocks and how they have stood here since the early 1900's. A definition of a rock is a firm foundation or support. God has shown me He is my support in my time of need. I love that Peanut found these rocks in her time of need to get her babies a safe secure area to be born.

This is the only kitten that has stripes like Peanut.
Daughter calls it hers.
I know I am in trouble.

Seriously, my sweet friend calls cats spineless creatures because of the way they rub up against you. I can't call this kitten anything but adorable. Stamps might not claim this one but he has to claim all five of the other kittens. I think Stamps is a chicken. I can never get a picture of him for his wanted poster I am planning on plastering at the post office. I mean I have children falling in love with his children and how does Stamps plan on supporting the Kitty Chow?

After leaving the ballpark the other night we did what all good parents do at 8 o'clock at night, drive through Zaxby's for dinner. Well who do we see in the drive through...STAMPS. Not only does he eat at my house and the post office but he eats Chicken at Zaxby's. Warning he is coming to neighborhood near you. Stamps, you big ole Chicken!
Love you and your front porch and your whole family, but cats have a way about them that I don't like. They look at you like they know your secrets and they don't like you for it. They may be the only thinks I am nervous around, swimming with dolphins was a breeze. A cat will turn on you in a minute, they are unpredictable and I'm not sure how they move so fluidly:) You have been a picture of endurance of faith, wish you had studied Hebrews with me, evidently you didn't need to. Long obedience in the same direction is becoming on you!!
Just a testimony to my technosavviness...todd stone is really Shirley, this will amuse Nate and Joey, but not surprise them...
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