I love a list. I make list and then add to it just to be able to mark off something. I had a list for this weekend. I even asked my closest facebook friends to tell me what would be on their list if they knew they would not walk for 3 months. They gave me all kinds of suggestions from beach walks to just crying. Well this is what made my list: 1. Easter clothes for the whole family - This is a whole blog entry by itself. It involved the metropolis of Calera and lots of tears. I had a mild panic attack Friday night when I realized I would not get to go shopping by myself for awhile. Who would buy the kids Easter outfits? Husband kissed my head and told me to go. I drove down Hwy 31 ending up in Calera on my cell phone crying to my friend. She assured me no Easter clothes were in Calera. She talked me out of a panic attack and I turned the car around. I ended up at a store with mascara down my shirt where I purchased the WHOLE family Easter outfits. 2. Pedicure on one foot- I begged for a pedicure. Since I am still healing from the previous surgery they were reluctant. However, I agreed to hold the foot for them and they scrubbed it and painted my toes. I will miss that treat. 3. Walking in the grass barefoot - I am just a farm girl at heart. I walked all over this farm...barefoot. 4. Eyebrows waxed - It will be me and the tweezers for awhile. 5. Flip flops- I wore flip flops all weekend. Because I could. And yes it hurt. But I had a fresh pedicure. It deserved flip flops. 6.Organized the kids closets- I won't be able to get in their closets for a couple of months. I got their closets organized so Husband will be able to dress them with out much confusion. 7. Cleaned - I will even miss the control over floors and toilets and bathtubs. My sweet mother helped me wash the sheets on all four beds. Some of the things on my list are for pleasure and some are for preparation.
These were for my heart -
*Hot baths and Stand up showers.
I close my eyes and thank God for each one of these pleasures.
*Holding hands with daughter when we walked back from feeding the horses. I love holding her hand when I walk and she skips.
*Climbing on the tractor and riding in Husband's lap while he cut the grass. I love being his wife.
*Watching my son play baseball and cheering for him even when he took a ball to the nose. Then listening to him later tell me, "thanks for always supporting me Mommy." I love being his mom.
*Riding with the windows down and radio up by MYSELF. Husband will laugh when he reads this...this was seriously something I missed the most last summer. I love riding with windows down and singing at the top of my lungs.
Two more days.
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