No she is not sick. Son is sick. Throw up sick. I am on sick duty this afternoon. Husband had it this morning. Daughter is just about crazy. She is loving softball and having two kids playing ball is torture. I miss getting to be at all of son's games but I am glad that we have a huge support group of peeps who cheer on my kids when I can't be there!

My dishwasher!!I was without a dishwasher for 10 months. Torture in some countries. I had to use...gasp my hands! The weekend after my surgery husband bought and installed this beauty. I fell in love with him all over again. What does it say about me that appliances really make me happy? Funny story #1:We don't really understand the appliance. It is some high duty thing that has to have rinse aide. We can't seem to get the combo right. If you know what we are doing wrong please let me know. We have spots. And no my engineer - installing - husband threw away the instructions. Why would we need instructions when he installed it himself? Funny Story #2: For two days we both kept opening the dishwasher looking to see if the dishes were clean or dirty. Husband says,"gosh these are still dirty!" I said, "maybe we should start it." Hysterical. We are so excited to have someone else wash our dishes we just forgot we had to be the ones to actually press start!

I got a new cast. I had my stitches and staples out. I was in a mood that day and went black. It goes with everything and well I was tired of looking like something out of a Dr. Seuss book. I thought no one would really notice but 950 kids at school noticed.
Mrs. Roach did you break your foot again?
Mrs. Roach did black get number 2 votes?
Mrs. Roach where is the other cast?
Mrs. Roach can I have your old cast?
Mrs. Roach can you do my color next?
The good news the ankle guy said my xray looked perfect! Praise God he is healing my bones!

I feel like all I have talked about is Peanut and her babies. Well there is dog that lives here and he rules the house. I found this picture on my cellphone the other day and I have no idea who took it. This is where Yoda stayed when I could barely get out of the recliner. He slept with me. He rarely even brought me his tennis ball. All he did was love and support. By the way, is it just me or do I look angry in my sleep? I must have A. been in pain or B. mad that someone was disturbing me. Anyway Yoda is still number 1 and has yet to even see a kitten.
1 comment:
Black??? What color should I get? I am getting my first regular cast after surgery and pretty nervous. Does it hurt when they take the staples out and put the cast on? How are you feeling and does the swelling ever go away? Who do you get to paint your toes? LOL Feel free to email me,Amy.
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