Belize is located in the southern portion of the Yucatán Peninsula in Central America and borders Mexico and Guatemala, facing the Caribbean Sea to the east.
We will be working at a school about 16 miles from Dangriga.
Belize is the only English speaking country in Central America. Creole is also often spoken by locals, as well as Spanish in the western part of the country near Guatemala.
Religions common in the country are Catholics and Christianity. Some other practices common are Jehovah's Witnesses, Hindu, and Voodooism.
Fifty-eight percent of the population is under the age of nineteen.
The Constitution offers freedom of religion. This allows denominations to partner with the government in running the educational system, denominations also provide many social and family welfare services.
Light of the Valley school where we will be working was built and is maintained to Belizean government standards by the Baptist Association of Belize.
Light of the Valley school where we will be working was built and is maintained to Belizean government standards by the Baptist Association of Belize.
This school currently has around 300 students. Grades K-8. Some classes have 42 students.
Some facts that are not so easily found, starvation is real. I got to meet the missionaries we will be working with for lunch today. She spoke about starvation not hunger but starvation like it was normal as we sat at a restaurant where we could order from 50 different items. She talked about children being abused and her going to talk to parents. She talked about poverty. I don't think my head and heart have grasped the depths of what we will see. However, the truth is that the same God that loves me loves the children of Belize. And so we go. We go to love and share the gospel. My friend that went last year gave us a book of pictures with all the children's faces. I can't tell you how excited I am to love up on these beautiful children.
Please help support our team and mark your calendars for January 14th at 9 am at the Applebee's in Pelham. For 5 dollars you can eat all the pancakes and sausage you want!
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