I am usually the momma behind the camera. I would call this Christmas an epic fail in the picture department. I forgot my memory card for Disney World and settled for husband's work camera which proved to be pitiful. The pitiful Disney picture post will come later. The kids got up at 4:30 am and daddy let them. Thanks to apple we had a techno connected holiday.

I am not complaining. I get text like this all the time. My daughter can face time her grandparents whenever she wants.
I am not complaining. I get text like this all the time. My daughter can face time her grandparents whenever she wants.
I even gave my sister a facial with cranberry sauce Christmas Day night. She looked so refreshed with cranberry sauce up her nose and on her face. Too bad she didn't know I was going to do it.

Blessed that my children spent time with two great grandmothers this season.
This picture makes my heart explode.

The Auburn gifts are always still favorites.

Sister is always trying out new fashion.

Thankful that the men folk tested out the safety of the BB guns by setting up target practice. The kids seem to be enjoying their presents.
This picture is part Christmas over load and part Butler County but you can thank my brother-in-law later for the material.
Blessed that my children spent time with two great grandmothers this season.
The Auburn gifts are always still favorites.
Sister is always trying out new fashion.
Her other request to Aunt Pam, "I want a guy who can cock my BB gun."
I am sure you can buy one at Wal-Mart but Mommy Roach tries to stay away from Wal-Mart during the holidays.
Thankful that the men folk tested out the safety of the BB guns by setting up target practice. The kids seem to be enjoying their presents.
So thankful for the gift of Jesus and thankful for a family who believes.
We would not have reached our goal for our mission trip without the support of our family.
By the way 80 days until BELIZE!
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