How many quarters are in your purse?
In your car?
In your couch?
In your desk?
In your house?

So who is hungry?
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that nearly 870 million people of the 7.1 billion people in the world, or one in eight, were suffering from chronic undernourishment.
Who is the most vulnerable?
Children. Poor nutrition plays a role in at least half of the 7.6 million child deaths each year.
Is there enough food in the world to feed everyone?
Yes but many people in the world don't have the land to grow it on or the income to purchase it.
This is my family delivering rice and beans to families in a local village in Belize. The faces you don't see, I know by name. These faces are my friends. These faces are real people, some are your brother and sister in Christ.
Poverty is real.
Hunger is real.
Starvation is not you at lunchtime.
And a quarter changes everything.
Statistics are sometimes overwhelming. This first time in Belize my heart was stuck in my throat and broken. And then I saw the mutual brokenness between my friends and myself. The brokenness is mutual. (Read When Helping Hurts!) You see the meal that cost a quarter taught me more than anything I could buy. In a few short weeks I will not be back on the crunchy dirt road passing out rice and beans. I won't even be in a kitchen mixing rice and beans in bowls with plastic spoons. I will be in my own church packing the rice with Stop Hunger Now. The same organization that showed me my brokenness in the face of the hungry.

It really does take an army for an event like this to work. It takes 100 volunteers just to pack the rice.
Here is the goal:
30,000 meals
Cost $7500
100 volunteers
Each Volunteers gets $75 in donations and sponsors
Each meal you sponsor is a quarter.
If each volunteer raises 75 dollars, that equals 300 meals!!!
We have raised $1,000 so far but we have a long way to go!
I need you to share this blog, donate or come join my family and serve.
Follow this link for more information:
In Him,
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