The bathroom remodel is still going along. Our daughter took some action photos of the happy couple working away. Husband actually said to me he feels like we have hit rock bottom and are now making it back up. That is good news. We no longer have a wide open hole in the floor but the toilet is still on the side porch. The pizza guy gives the strangest looks and the other morning, I caught a bird sitting on the top of the toilet thinking maybe it was a new bird bath. Sorry Mr. bird, we drained the water. 
This time of year when summer is coming to an end and school is about to start I am always a bag of emotions. I was having a pity party yesterday when God reminded me He wasn't concerned with my happiness. Gasp. Now there are some that would disagree with me there. There are some who would tell me that God is concerned with our comfort and happiness but I don't think the God of the universe is concerned with our superficial happiness or self seeking pleasure. His purpose for me and my life is to bring Him glory not give me happiness. His word commands us to be happy in Him. Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. (Philippians 4:4 ESV) If we have deep satisfaction in Him then we can experience true happiness. Anything that this world can give will fade. Lately He has been teaching me in the uncomfortable moments. The one bathroom. The difficult relationships. The parenting. So in my surrender yesterday, I thought why not be uncomfortable in a tent? 
Husband left for a week of travel and the kids and I were pretty sad. We have a boy in a cast and it is the last week of summer vacation blue. It was quite an adventure. There were bugs, August heat, coyotes howling at the train, a large lab chasing our flashlights inside the tent, etc. I don't want to romanticize our adventure. There were tears and there was an exodus to our beds after rain. But for a few hours there were two kids who God gave to me laying in a tent laughing and making memories. I made them promise that when they are parents they will do the same thing and think of me.
In Him,
When you are ready for that camper, I know just the place to find one!!!! {Hint, hint, hint.... Camping World!!! I happen to know a guy that works there!}
Great blog!! You must watch the movie "RV"!!;)
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