January is flying by. Little bit turned 7. She celebrated with a few friends and family at Sip and Strokes. It was a sweet birthday. 
We are 53 days away from Belize. My heart might explode because I am so excited. We had a pancake breakfast and raised over 2,000 dollars for our team. Lots of people came out and showed the love. 
And yes, Maddog and Husband are starting to look alike.
Our mission team is getting really good at serving food. We are helping out on Wednesday nights and serving dinner before church. Plates are 5 dollars and families don't exceed 20 dollars. The proceeds go to support our mission trip. The idea is that different teams will serve and each month or so different mission teams will be able to raise some support and tell others about their mission! I love the idea. If you would like to RSVP for dinner click here and come eat! Tomorrow night is Taco Night!
There are so many cool things going on with our trip as we prepare to go. The biggest question I am asked lately is "what do we need?" I am so glad you asked! We are packing a pallet of goods to ship to Belize so we don't have to pack it all in our suitcase. This is really a huge blessing to even be able to ship. There are lots of items you can help send to the children of Belize.
Here is a portion of an email from one of the teachers:
stickers- for 100%, good behavior, perfect attendance, etc & personal that i can use)* pencils-(the decorative kind that children can get as a reward)* other little gifts that i can give for the well behaved children, etc* library books for infant2 (grade 2) level* and whatever personal or school stuff you think i can use hope this is not too much. and i asked the teachers if they had any specific prayer request and the most needed is for our school and the children. thank you and God bless. Love, Miss Lucy
We will be packing these items on February 6th. We will also be shipping chewable vitamins. NOT GUMMY vitamins. If you would like to contribute in any way I will be happy to arrange a way to pick up the items.
I want to say thank you in advance. Already we have watched our friends and family love and support this mission trip. God has used each one of you and we are so humbled to be such a small part of His master plan.
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