The yard sale was big success on so many levels. We were able to raise some funds for our trip and love on some people right here in our own community. It is very humbling to watch people rummage through your belongings that you have discarded or to watch a child pick up a broken toy and beam with excitement. I mean really that is how Jesus sees us - broken and discarded and then He picks us up with excitement and shows us to His Father and says "look who I bought for you."
After the yard sale I came down with the dreaded stomach virus. I felt like dog. Not this dog. Lulu could never feel that bad because she is a Lab. And Labs are happy 100 % of the time.

She is a lab in a 16 pound body. She is not real sure how to jump yet. She still can't go downstairs but has mastered going up them. She recently figured out how to climb on the ottoman to then get to the couch. I am pretty sure when she weighs 100 lbs. she will still think she weighs 16 lbs. She loves water. She likes to drink it, play in it and spill it. At her recent check up the vet tried to give me the serious new puppy talk. "Mam, she will be a large dog. She will need a firm master and you should always reward positive behavior. Distract her with appropriate chew toys. Never allow co-sleeping. Promote good dental hygiene. Never feed food from the table. Poopy Scoop the yard weekly so she has a fresh area. Practice leash walks and socialization daily....etc" Right about that time I looked over at Lulu and I believe I heard her say, "I am a dog. You are my mommy. Let's go home before she sticks something else up my nose and hinney."
You always crack me up! And I have seen what you were talking about with the yard sale... it does give you a new perspective on things! So glad you guys did well!
You always crack me up! And I have seen what you were talking about with the yard sale... it does give you a new perspective on things! So glad you guys did well!
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