It is Sweet Potato time at the farm. Which means you should put on your cutest boots and ride in the back of trucks. Your mother should take her camera and go play with other farm animals during the hard work. Eden wanted an apple slice and some sugars.

daughter and Paw Paw seemed to be doing a fine job without me.

There are rows of taters.

Daughter turns out to be a natural picker and kicker of dirt. She really knows how to turn up the taters.

She also had lots of words for Paw Paw that I am sure he did not hear.

Her dirty hands prove her work ethic.

On the other hand son has some tendencies to get distracted by critters like a freshly killed rat snake.

Or Eden who needed some more ear scratching.

Or Momma Kitty who needed her neck rubbed.

Did someone say rat snake? Momma Kitty was on the look out. She is our pest control girl.

And son had some Tractor Driving 101 to attend. State law requires 9 year old boys should learn proper techniques in front end loaders and plowing.

At the end of the day it is all about the taters and little bit about the critters.
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