The final days of summer are slipping through our fingers. This is always bitter sweet to me. Our lazy days of pool, playing and no agenda are coming to an end. I have enjoyed this summer so much partly because I could be an active participant this year. I am blessed to have two working feet this summer. The kids were so excited when I could physical jump in the pool.
I have enjoyed my new and old friends this summer. "Friends always show their love. What are brothers for if not to share troubles? " Proverbs 17:17
We enjoyed each other this summer. One thing about living on the farm is that is forces the kids to be friends. Either they play with each other or they play alone. There are always moments of killing each other but I watched them really grow to enjoy each other. We enjoyed some new experiences at the lake this summer. My kids got to know all their cousins this summer. We got to experience a long family vacation. The joys of the kids getting older meant we were able to enjoy the beach all day. It is still hard to believe they are 6 and almost 9.

My prayer for them this year is they make new friends easily.
I pray they are kind and generous.
I pray they grow as students and desire to learn.
I pray they can come talk to me even when it is hard.
I pray they grow with their love for the Lord and He becomes bigger to them.
I pray for their teachers who will love on them for forty hours a week.
I pray they write in color.
I pray they color outside the line.
I pray they dance when they feel like it.
I pray they sing out loud.
I pray the play in the rain.
I pray they mix the play dough colors.
I pray when they are not picked, when someone hurts their feelings, when they get boo boos they find the smile in their heart.
But I pray whatever the year holds I hope they ride the wave of life together.
1 comment:
Now I'm crying. :)
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