Daughter can eat peanuts. We had the test and she is all clear. She ate a peanut butter bar today and I thought she was going to inhale the thing without breathing. Son is still allergic to peanuts. I thought he would be sad if daughter was not allergic but he handled it really well. Husband and I will just have to be careful that he doesn't think daughter is getting stuff with peanuts as a special treat. But daughter now walks around saying I a peanut, you a peanut and bubba not a peanut. I think it is something like "a peanut duck duck goose."
VBS preparations in full swing. Sister is very OCD about registration. I can't wait to see how she handles Monday when 150 show up to register. We are expecting 700 kids. We have 500 plus now registered. VBS just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I hope it is getting better and better too. Our church is so children friendly that several kids come to our church for Wednesday night activities and VBS but attend on Sunday's somewhere else with their family. It is wild to me to hear all the kids talking about how excited they are about VBS. And I am always surprised by the kids whose parents put them on the VBS rotation, where they go to five VBS in a row. I don't like to say it but . . ." I would never."
At the pool today I heard some mothers talking, "That girl over there is the VBS director." Then they started smiling at me. Introducing themselves and their kids. Then asking what crew their kids were in. I just laughed. I can't remember whose crew my kids is in much less 500 others. And since I could deliver no details, they did not move their towels next to mine. But of course, I am one of those mommies that goes under water, wears no makeup and my hair is in a knot. And my towel, shoes, bathing suit and beach bag do not ALL MATCH.
You are so funny! I guess I could sit next to you since I wouln't be matching either! Hope VBS goes smoothly for you. See you soon.
You just crack me up!! We have not made it to the pool here yet, although I did go get my pool pass. It is much more secure this year...
We had VBS this week and I am exhausted, David was sick Saturday night thru Tuesday with a middle ear infection AND swimmers ear, he was absolutely miserable... hopefully we can swim near the end of next week...
Praying for you and all you have to do next week...
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