I was able to read two books at the beach. Which with 2 small kids that is a blessing in itself. The beach was full of sea creatures, jelly fish, sting rays, minnows and fish of all kinds. So I was glad we had a nice pool area because swimming in the ocean was not an option. We had to go to the public beach since we stayed on the bay. WOW. You should see the people at the public beach. You can tell which families drove from Michigan. They are in the water,300 feet out, scuba flippers on, and on a hardcore mission to enjoy the sand and water.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Family Vacation
Thursday, June 19, 2008
It's A Girl
Well sister finally did it! She has a GIRL. Millie is her name. She weighs 2 pounds. I am sure birth announcements are being constructed. Pink bows, pink clothes, pink crate, pink and green purse, pink toys are all around the house. Brother in law says it is the least manly dog in the world. Don't tell the nephews that! They love her. If Millie survives the twins, she will weigh maybe 6 pounds. Wynn put her in the washing machine and fireplace yesterday. Shep just carries her under one arm and usually be the neck. Noah walks her on a leash every hour. Cause you know a leash is required for 2 pounds. Sister has lost it for this girl. She has books on the dog, Cd's on training, a purse to carry her in, and the list goes on.
I have never seen something that cute. She is a solid ball of black fur. I have literally been at their house everyday since they brought her home. I find excuses to go over there. I am sure they will figure this out soon and start locking the door. My kids are just as excited. They want one but tell everyone, "We can't get a puppy until one of our dogs die." Husband told them this! Isn't that nice. I wonder if the kids are plagued by praying for one of their own dogs to die so they can get a puppy. That is just awful.
Leaving for the beach in a few days. I am so excited. I am getting my haircut and highlighted today by someone new. I am a little nervous but I guess it is better then Head Start. I tried to get sister to go for the bikini wax again, she refused citing prior incident. We did go see SATC the other night. I laughed out loud and cried. Wow, sister could be Carrie. PJ's, seclusion, aversion to technology, no kiss and tell, etc. Kinda scary.
I have never seen something that cute. She is a solid ball of black fur. I have literally been at their house everyday since they brought her home. I find excuses to go over there. I am sure they will figure this out soon and start locking the door. My kids are just as excited. They want one but tell everyone, "We can't get a puppy until one of our dogs die." Husband told them this! Isn't that nice. I wonder if the kids are plagued by praying for one of their own dogs to die so they can get a puppy. That is just awful.
Leaving for the beach in a few days. I am so excited. I am getting my haircut and highlighted today by someone new. I am a little nervous but I guess it is better then Head Start. I tried to get sister to go for the bikini wax again, she refused citing prior incident. We did go see SATC the other night. I laughed out loud and cried. Wow, sister could be Carrie. PJ's, seclusion, aversion to technology, no kiss and tell, etc. Kinda scary.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Being Prepared
VBS was awesome. I have not seen God show up in a BIG way like that in a long time. Maybe because I am not looking at what is going on around me or because for this week in my life, it was not about me but about serving. The kids brought over $2,700 for http://www.refugeandhope.org/. This organization is run by a missionary and his wife from Westwood. His mother was my second grade teacher and she came and spoke to the kids. On the final day we were able to call him in Africa and all 700 kids screamed, "Thank you Jade. We love you!" Then they got to hear him speak back. I went into the ugly cry. I imagine it warmed his heart too. There was one child that asked for me to pray with her to accept Christ. I would later learn that her mother is dying with brain cancer. There was another child who led his parents in prayer one night and had never prayed aloud before! He made me a Thank You necklace. We also had a young father in our church congregation die this past week. On Wednesday, his funeral took place at the church. I watched how everyone came together to get the worship center looking like VBS had never been there and then watched them put it back up after the service for family night. Everyone serving, to make things right for the grieving family and right for the kids. VBS really went smooth. You try to prepare yourself for VBS but nothing can prepare you for how you will feel when 700 kids are singing.
Towards the end of the week we got a call saying husband should probably visit Granny Roach. We heard she had closed her eyes and not really gotten out of the bed. Husband had to go by himself and I was heartbroken for him. But leave it to Granny Roach to have the last laugh. She opened her eyes, talked to him and even got in her recliner. I guess she was tired of the same people visiting her. Granny also is preparing her family for her leaving. Making sure they know she is ready to go and she has PEACE. So it was no surprise to me that during our sermon today the preacher preached on being prepared to die.
So on a happy note, I will be trying to have a week with no tears. Son will be at basketball camp. Daughter will start dance. I am getting my hair cut and highlighted. And getting prepared and packing our bags for a week at the beach!!!
Towards the end of the week we got a call saying husband should probably visit Granny Roach. We heard she had closed her eyes and not really gotten out of the bed. Husband had to go by himself and I was heartbroken for him. But leave it to Granny Roach to have the last laugh. She opened her eyes, talked to him and even got in her recliner. I guess she was tired of the same people visiting her. Granny also is preparing her family for her leaving. Making sure they know she is ready to go and she has PEACE. So it was no surprise to me that during our sermon today the preacher preached on being prepared to die.
So on a happy note, I will be trying to have a week with no tears. Son will be at basketball camp. Daughter will start dance. I am getting my hair cut and highlighted. And getting prepared and packing our bags for a week at the beach!!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Power Lab Week
VBS Day 1 was a success. It is kinda exciting that each year it gets bigger and bigger. I took a long nap after day 1. Husband is serving his country with jury duty this week. So he was home early and I napped! I am thankful God provided that time. VBS is so fun. I got to wear a lab coat, light up glasses and people still thought I was cool. Bre did not feel so cool in her glasses but I rocked mine! There is nothing more fun then watching almost 700 kids dance and sing to VBS songs. Our VBS is so cool we have a blog.
Funny of the day. Daughter and Carter convinced the preschool department that they were four years old today. They got to experience 4 year old VBS. Then Bre went to get Carter and they kept saying "Carter's sister . . ." Not only are daughter and Carter now 4 they are also brother and sister.
Funny of the day. Daughter and Carter convinced the preschool department that they were four years old today. They got to experience 4 year old VBS. Then Bre went to get Carter and they kept saying "Carter's sister . . ." Not only are daughter and Carter now 4 they are also brother and sister.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Mr. Turtle of Maylene, AL passed away on June 2 or June 3. Mr. Turtle died of unknown causes and an autopsy was not done. Son reported on June 3rd that Mr. Turtle was without eyes and was probably growing new ones like teeth. I had to go to VBS decorating and left husband to deal with the burial and questions. Mr. Turtle was laid to rest on June 3rd in the back yard. A time of prayer was issued. Husband said daughter was insistent on puring water on the grave so Mr. Turtle could have some water. Husband said, "I think daughter was tipping her 40 at Mr. Turlte." Son was heart broken. I will refrain from making any more comments as a respect to my son. Please allow the family time to grieve in private.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I a Peanut, You a peanut

Daughter can eat peanuts. We had the test and she is all clear. She ate a peanut butter bar today and I thought she was going to inhale the thing without breathing. Son is still allergic to peanuts. I thought he would be sad if daughter was not allergic but he handled it really well. Husband and I will just have to be careful that he doesn't think daughter is getting stuff with peanuts as a special treat. But daughter now walks around saying I a peanut, you a peanut and bubba not a peanut. I think it is something like "a peanut duck duck goose."
VBS preparations in full swing. Sister is very OCD about registration. I can't wait to see how she handles Monday when 150 show up to register. We are expecting 700 kids. We have 500 plus now registered. VBS just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I hope it is getting better and better too. Our church is so children friendly that several kids come to our church for Wednesday night activities and VBS but attend on Sunday's somewhere else with their family. It is wild to me to hear all the kids talking about how excited they are about VBS. And I am always surprised by the kids whose parents put them on the VBS rotation, where they go to five VBS in a row. I don't like to say it but . . ." I would never."
At the pool today I heard some mothers talking, "That girl over there is the VBS director." Then they started smiling at me. Introducing themselves and their kids. Then asking what crew their kids were in. I just laughed. I can't remember whose crew my kids is in much less 500 others. And since I could deliver no details, they did not move their towels next to mine. But of course, I am one of those mommies that goes under water, wears no makeup and my hair is in a knot. And my towel, shoes, bathing suit and beach bag do not ALL MATCH.
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