Son seemed so big and so small in that moment. I know these times we have with our children are precious. When he got someone out, he held #1's to the sky. I thank God for those moments. Precious moments. Moments when he is still my little boy. I watched him sitting in the dug out laughing and talking with his friends and a memory of him flashed before me. It was of me rocking him in our den in Montgomery. It was just me and him. Husband worked very long hours and I had little to no friends. Son was my life. And just like that . . . it is gone. He is growing up and in a few short months I will drop him off at public school and drive away.
But for today . . . HE IS MY LITTLE TBALL PLAYER.
MARSHA ROACH...this is awful, made me cry. He did look very cute and I was so proud of him. Such a cute picture of him and his daddy. We love the roachy family and thank you for letting MG come over and play, Carter had a blast :)
You made me cry too, but after my weekend it doesn't take much to get my tears flowing...
I agree, they grow up so fast, I just want to treasure every moment, and hold them a little longer when they want to be held,
It is a good reason to take lots and lots of pictures and to have a night out to scrapbook!!
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