Do you recognize anyone? I am the cute girl in the bonnet. Sister is looking special with
her bowl cut. Easter 1979
Gross. I know. You should see the other side. I will be cut in the same location for the third time on April 20th. I will have the bone fusion. PRAISE GOD the fibula will not have to be broken. Come to find out my fibulas are turned cause God made me that way. Not the date I wanted but God will work that out also. His timing is perfect. Isn't it funny how we think we have so much control over our plan?. We book vacations. We plan things. I love some planning but God has shown me over the last year that He will rewrite my plans so we are together. But don't tell sister about April 20th. She and I have done Easter. We got Easter in our marriages. We would do our spouses for Thanksgiving. But Easter was for Sisters. This Easter I won't be there and I will save a ton of money on Easter clothes. Sister will most sad because it will throw off her table decorations.

I must say she is the only person who ever calls me and lets me cry without trying to stop it and she is one of the rare ones who knows when I am faking that I am "fine."
I love that at a time when I will be in so much pain, I will also be celebrating the fact that Jesus rose from the grave and went to sit on the right hand of God. It is finished. He has overcome and the battle has been won. My battle has been fought. He goes before me.
Thank you for your prayers! God is answering!