In between boxes and picture hanging...the farm provides time for swinging. There is a lot less television time here and not a lot of
Wii, a little less play station, little time for blogging or
facebooking...But there is always time for swinging. There is a breeze up here on this hill and trees a hundred years old that provide just the right shade.

There is more time for running to the creek barefoot. Which is really not nice since I still have pinkie and I can't run after her.

There are waterfalls to explore into the infamous Buck Creek. And rocks to be thrown. Because no creek is complete without out thrown rocks from little hands.

And there are tours to be given to all of your friends. Tours are made complete in bathing suites and shirts are optional on the farm unless you are the MOMMY.

There is a Silo that stands guard as if hold the past and look over the future. And if I listen long enough, I hear a whisper, "welcome home Marsha."