Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Cow Trophies

Sunday, June 27, 2010
It's My Birthday!!

What a fabulous weekend. I am too tired to think but I don't want to forget these moments. After finding out pinkie has to stay on until July 8th, I was in need of friend time and a getaway. So MS friends came down or over I guess. All the kids had a blast and these is the last time these 6 will be together in this kitchen. They all have grown up here in this kitchen. First it was Karen and Allen's house and then ours... we are currently making the plea for Summer and Brian to buy it and keep it in the family.
Karen and Tracy had planned a trip to Ross Bridge while I was in the hospital. I had never been and was pumped. There were 9 of us. The pool was amazing and I only wanted to slap people that could go under and go down the slide. I did my first step dip and cooled off rather well.

Jacyln and Jen.

All nine of us in our little cabana. Yes, by the time we left everyone knew pinkie and knew it was my birthday!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Birthday Weekend

My Mississippi girl, Summer!

My sister and her bf Jen.
All of these girls are taking me to Ross Bridge for my birthday. I am sure we will be a sight. Wheelchair, bath stool and crutches. Some of these girls have never met, some are my oldest friends and some are my newest friends and two have moved away. I am blessed to have each one of them in my life. Look for us on the news...Friends take handicap friend on a birthday trip.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Back Yard

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Feeling Guilty

Friday, June 18, 2010
Pinkie Proof

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Pinkie #2 Update

The bad news...the hair on my leg is D-scusting!! The stand in the above photo is what I put my foot on and then move my knee to get my leg to a 90 degree angle. The nurse left husband and I alone to try to get the foot moving. As hard as I tried...it moved maybe 1/2 inch. The nurse finally was able to get a layer of casting on and then had me put my foot on a stool and move my knee to 90 degrees. She says"your good!" and husband says "no, she needs to come forward a little more!" I could have spit on him. Reason why not to take an engineer to an orthopedic appointment. So Lord willing my foot is now casted at 90 degrees but with that joy comes pain.
I feel like I am back to square one with pain levels today. I can't stand movement on the leg and the pain is radiating to my hip. All you prayer warriors out there please pray that the pain will ease and sleep will come!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
My News Article
Pinkie was interviewed about our upcoming move!!
Pinkie Passing Out Thanks
From moment one of the incident my brother in law kept my kids and dog so my sister could be by my side. This meant he had 5 kids. He also gave me a peep talk one day that changed my outlook on things. He reminded me who I was.
There were my hospital warriors: my mother, sister, husband, my dad, Karen, Shirley, Tracy, Joseph, Todd, Patti and Sammy Davis, Mary Lee, Sue and Jimmy Dennis, Uncle Don and Kathy, Bre, Amy, Kevin, Micah, and my babies. Some of these people did things for me in the hospital that I never thought any of my friends or family would have to do. I woke to people praying over me at 5:30 am in the hospital on most mornings. I have never felt so loved and blessed.
Shirley and I think Bre set up a meal website immediately. All good southern churches rally and send food to the needy! We are on week 4 of having meals delivered. My husband could not be more thrilled that food is ready when he gets in from work just like always!!
With each meal came a visit right when I needed it! I had friends of old and new walk through my front door with a smile and a hug. Most of you sat with me and let me cry and talk.
Jacyln drove over an hour to come bring me books and a hug.
John Perry (a man in our home group) brought his daughter , Nicole, and her husband, Renan, to plant flowers in my front yard to help get our house ready to put on the market. Then entertained my kids while they worked in the heat.
Karly, Shirley, Aunt Joy and Dana sent me a books to read and pass the time. Sister says I need to cross-stich like when we were little...I have not gotten that desperate.
Karen, Bre, April,Cyndi, Jessica, my mother and my sister have provided hours of babysitting. HOURS. I feel like I am pimping out my children all summer. But this is by far my greatest need and greatest blessing. From moment one I worried about my children. When my husband came around the corner of the house and saw me laying there with my ankle I said, "don't let my kids see me." Like any mother, your kids are your first thought. I worried their summer would be ruined with a broken mommy but these people have loved them and cared for them and for that I am utterly thankful.
Then there is Frankie...who woke up early to take son to baseball camp for a week. She did not have a child going but she did that for me. She took me to vote and took me and my kids to VBS for a week. It might not seem like a big deal but it required her loading a heavy wheelchair sometimes up and down my split foyer house. She did not even serve in morning VBS but drove us because she cared. But more on her later...ceremony to follow!!
Even this week Tracy, Misty, mother and sister are transporting the kids to basketball camp for me.
My home group plus Stuart showed up Saturday morning with boxes and trucks. They packed and moved 4 truck loads. What a blessing! I sat on the couch and let go of control and have never felt so free in all my life. God is working on me. But more on that later.
There have been a hundred phone calls, prayers, cards, emails, facebook messages and even more visits that have gotten me through each day. The Lord is my strength but you all are my blessing. LOVE YOU ALL
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

This is the inner ankle and this is where pins and wires are holding this bone onto my ankle. I am amazed that God made me and has given doctors the tools put me back together again.

The kids were dying for an orange and blue cast but they only offered pink, purple and red. Since I am not a red girl...pink was the winner. The doctor and nurse could not get my foot to a 90 degree angle so I go back in two weeks to try again and recast. The good news in the foot seems less tender in this position and in a hard cast. Keep up the prayers...hoping to walk soon.