Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sick Spring
I am a little worried that we might have the SWINE FLU and I wish they would stop talking about it on the Today Show.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Update # 3
The ruler of the house. The no more bows child. The brown eyes that will look right through you. The smartest of the house. The sneakiest of the house. And don't you worry this is her "uniform" that she must wear to all games.
She is also the daredevil. This is the swing ride that FRANKIE(who I hear has a Iphone and I will try to get her to the darkside of fb) let her on. I would have never. I thought she was too little but FRANKIE and HUSBAND thought she would be just fine. She met the height requirement but surely not the weight! And what did she do on the ride? She laughed.
Update # 2
I look at these dimples and melt. This child use to cry when I left him. He couldn't last a whole church service without needing mommy. He still needs me but not like that...that is gone. He is about to finish his first year at public school. He is a top reader. He has never come home not on green. He loves school. He has lots of friends. I am a blessed mommy.
He is funny. He is highly competitive(wonder where he got that from?). This is after his class won tug of war on field day and he did number ones into the other classes faces. He can look at me and I see his daddy coming out of him. He is strong willed and I pray he will be a strong man one day.
He is a baseball lover. He is always game for baseball. He hit a homerun and got three outs in his last game. He got the GAME BALL. I am the momma that jumps up and down like I am running the bases with him. I don't care who you are...watching your child play ball will make you cry, scream and laugh. It makes me feel alive.

He is a big brother. A role we chose for him and one somedays he would rather not have...but he is a big brother. He can treat her like a enemy at home but let someone else be mean to her in his presence and it is over. He protects her. He makes her laugh harder then anyone. He cashes in tickets every week at school and brings her something home. She calls him bubba...
Update #1
Our life has been very busy lately. I feel I am running on all 6 cylinders every day. Between church, dance, ball, friends, family and work we are always going somewhere. I literally grabbed my camera out of my car tonight and it had 90 something pictures on it...at least I have been documenting! I feel the need to catch THE READERS up on the Roach Life. So update #1 is about my sweet husband. Sister got him the SHAMWOW and it was used on YODA. I thought it might just suck Yoda up but it did not. I am awaiting husband to use it on something special like...my car that needs the baseball dirt washed off. Yoda is obviously embarrassed to let you see him exposed and wet thus not looking at the camera.
Husband is also feeling the strain of our busy life. He is fixing things around the house on a whim and in his 10 minutes of spare time. That must be why he left this on my counter like it belonged there.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
My Big Pooh
Praying for this sweet face this morning. He is having his tubes replaced and adenoids out. Mostly pray he survives no food or drink. Big Pooh likes to eat! I heard sister having to explain at the ballpark why we call him Pooh. Try to follow, Winslet to Wynn to Winnie the Pooh to Pooh and now Big Pooh.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Awana Slime Night 2009
It starts like this... 20 questions, 3 bonuses. If all goes well they get rewarded. They work so hard all year learning verses and digging into God's word. This is me and Janna (a blog reader) asking the questions. Our husbands are in the background thinking they might be safe. Bre in the background for camera shots...
Memory Verse # 8
Bre and I went to our women's retreat hosted by our church all the way in the Columbiana, AL. When is the last time you used an actual key to get in your room? We stayed on the lake and we were a little scared to say the least but we had a great time. It is always good to get away and get focused even if it was in the spooky woods.

The first night we wrote out prayer request or things that we were struggling with down on a piece of paper. Then we were given a verse. Most women were like "oh that verse just fits me! And that was perfect for me!" I said out loud, "yeah mine has nothing to do with what I wrote down!" This is what mine said:
Freedom is a Choice
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36

Right after this picture (where we look like we had only slept 3 hours!) we entered into our quite time. And that verse that meant nothing to me at the time became what I needed. Those things on my list were not ready to be dealt with but being Free to be Me (and stop being who I think everyone else needs me to be )was something I believe God was trying to show me. Sometimes I am so caught up with praying for what I want Him to answer and what I want Him to show me that I am not listening to what HE wants me to pray for and what He wants me to learn.
The first night we wrote out prayer request or things that we were struggling with down on a piece of paper. Then we were given a verse. Most women were like "oh that verse just fits me! And that was perfect for me!" I said out loud, "yeah mine has nothing to do with what I wrote down!" This is what mine said:
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36
Right after this picture (where we look like we had only slept 3 hours!) we entered into our quite time. And that verse that meant nothing to me at the time became what I needed. Those things on my list were not ready to be dealt with but being Free to be Me (and stop being who I think everyone else needs me to be )was something I believe God was trying to show me. Sometimes I am so caught up with praying for what I want Him to answer and what I want Him to show me that I am not listening to what HE wants me to pray for and what He wants me to learn.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sick Day
The sick bug has struck our house for the past few weeks. Son has had a "pink eye" that won't heal, two ear infections and 3 trips to the doctor. Daughter has had two trips to the doctor for a nasty cough and an ear infection. I ended up at the doctor after stomach cramps for two days and then fever. Diagnosis was a stomach ulcer. But I had a feeling it was something else...five days later after pretending I felt okay(and infecting the world) the nurse called. The four tubes of blood she took came back and said I HAD THE FLU. Too late for flu meds, too late to protect my precious children and husband, too late to get sympathy. But my body decided it could not pretend I was not sick any more...so I got my subs and I really had a good ole sick day today.
I did shower which is a highlight to most mommies that stay at home. I could not send daughter to school because she was still screaming with an ear. And guess what? I LOVED MY SICK DAY. I took 2 naps! For those that know me, know this never happens. I slept straight up on the couch while daughter rotted her brain with NOGGIN. I then took another 20 minute nap with her sleeping on me. I can not tell you how good it felt to be a stay at home mommy again. Not that naps are apart of stay at home mommy life...I know they were few and far between. But it was a day where all I did was play with my child. No housework. No cooking. No phone. Just coloring, holding, baby dolls and being at home. My life sometimes is too busy to enjoy just being mommy. I like just being mommy. It is when I have to be maid, wife, friend, sister, daughter, child care worker, volunteer of the year, taxi cab driver, teacher and caretaker that I get a little overwhelmed. And when I dream at night, I get to be just me.
I did shower which is a highlight to most mommies that stay at home. I could not send daughter to school because she was still screaming with an ear. And guess what? I LOVED MY SICK DAY. I took 2 naps! For those that know me, know this never happens. I slept straight up on the couch while daughter rotted her brain with NOGGIN. I then took another 20 minute nap with her sleeping on me. I can not tell you how good it felt to be a stay at home mommy again. Not that naps are apart of stay at home mommy life...I know they were few and far between. But it was a day where all I did was play with my child. No housework. No cooking. No phone. Just coloring, holding, baby dolls and being at home. My life sometimes is too busy to enjoy just being mommy. I like just being mommy. It is when I have to be maid, wife, friend, sister, daughter, child care worker, volunteer of the year, taxi cab driver, teacher and caretaker that I get a little overwhelmed. And when I dream at night, I get to be just me.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Awesome Easter!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter Egg Day!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Little busy Bees

My Easter tradition TOMB cake. This year I gave out the recipe to all my Bible Study girls and they are all doing it with their families. You can look at Bre's and Karen's(when she post). I pray you all have a Happy Easter!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I think husband and one of my favorite VBS worker should post a blog...Blow them up with comments today. And one of the smartest and the biggest word user I know should post a new blog. Even Saint Joseph has neglected his blog duties.
Just a little plea to hear from the men of our blogging world....
Just a little plea to hear from the men of our blogging world....
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Daughter Dances
The daughter dances and more importantly she screams the song. I think she is a future rock star like her daddy. Notice she is most concerned with staying on her dot! And I think I better enjoy this because I feel she will scream for Tball next year instead of dance. I did this with my phone and I can't show the whole routine because then no one will come see her in her Dancing Debut. And now thanks to rescheduling, son has a game during her dance recital. And husband and I will have to choose our guilt. Enjoy.
The Worry Trait
The Roach family has many trait's that are known to be dominate. I was never made aware of these traits until after I signed on the dotted line to join this family. It all became clear when I gave birth to a son who middle name is the same as his daddy, his grandfather and his great grandfather. With that name came some characteristics. Some which shall not be mentioned in such a public way. But one trait that stands out is the character trait of worrier. Don't worry Roach family, I will not name which ones of you worry the most...! Son has always been a worrier. In no way has daughter ever worried about her future or how her actions impact that future. (I know, we need to all pray now!) Son however worries about most everything. He worries if he has too much stuff to carry into school. He worries about what is in the ocean. He worries about his heart stopping "beeping," thanks to Jump Rope for Heart. Sister and I found him in the bathroom at the beach running in place trying to keep his heart beeping. He has had a type of pink eye that has lasted 2 weeks. Sister told him his eye might fall out. He asked the doctor today if it could.
But this morning he took the worrying to a new level. I sent him to brush his teeth before school and I heard him scream at me, "Are you trying to kill me?" I wonder who he is talking to. I walk in the bathroom and he is reading the toothpaste label. He said, "Read this!" I said "son it says for 6 and under to do so under supervision...you are fine." He said, "keep reading!" Then it says something about swallowing too much call poison control. He then says, "I am going to die. DO you know how much I have swallowed for all these years?" I assure him that he will be fine.
I am just wondering how I can take a little worry away from him and put it in daughter.
But this morning he took the worrying to a new level. I sent him to brush his teeth before school and I heard him scream at me, "Are you trying to kill me?" I wonder who he is talking to. I walk in the bathroom and he is reading the toothpaste label. He said, "Read this!" I said "son it says for 6 and under to do so under supervision...you are fine." He said, "keep reading!" Then it says something about swallowing too much call poison control. He then says, "I am going to die. DO you know how much I have swallowed for all these years?" I assure him that he will be fine.
I am just wondering how I can take a little worry away from him and put it in daughter.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Memory Verse #7
Philippians 2: 3-5 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Home Improvement
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