Knoxville Family came to town. Even though they brought all this orange stuff that was a weird color, and they put a flag on our car, we still managed to have a good time with them.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I love Auburn. I am so jealous of my birthday twin getting to live there all the time! I mean where else can you meet people and get your picture made with them.

Knoxville Family came to town. Even though they brought all this orange stuff that was a weird color, and they put a flag on our car, we still managed to have a good time with them.
Husband's cousin, me and sister-in-law before the game enjoying Mikey Fresh's parking spot close to the stadium. I still can't believe I was hugging the enemy.
Knoxville Family came to town. Even though they brought all this orange stuff that was a weird color, and they put a flag on our car, we still managed to have a good time with them.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
People Passing Through
I have had many friends in my life. Some friendships end while some are just beginning. I have had times of my life that have been full of friends. I have even been through periods of my life with little to no friends. But the older I get, the more I realize what true friendships are based on. Not on competition, not on jealousy, not on lies or materialism. My truest friends are the ones I can be real to. The friends that laugh with me but will cry with me to. This week when something awful happened to my daughter, I had friends almost cry with me. I have friends who take care of me and my family when I can not. I have friends who will call me out when I need to grow up. I have friends who will just love me for where I am and not for where they want me to be. I am blessed.
But we all have had friends that have moved away or maybe just moved on. My dearest, Jaclyn, is moving. We had a not goodbye lunch today. No tears. Just excitement for her as her husband has answered the call into the ministry full time. They are leaving their dream house they built near family to trust and follow. WOW. Could I trust as much? I have watched Jaclyn grow so much since I first met her. She would never admit any of this to anyone but deep inside she is STRONG and already possesses the strength she needs. She is the only person I know who is as beautiful on the outside as well as the inside. She is the friend that may not call you on the phone but will leave you a present on your doorstep or a card in the mail. She is a wonderful mommy but never gives herself credit for anything. I am better for knowing her.
So tonight I am thankful for those friends that are just passing through this thing called life.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Mid life crisis has begun

I have been trying to go through a midlife crisis for sometime.
1. Son started big school
2. Doctor said NO MORE BABIES
3. Doctor then burnt the uterus.
4. My job stinks, stinks, stinks
5. I went to college and got a degree, where is it that thing?
6. Who am I with no kids in diapers or bottles?
7. Social worker license = expired
1. Who am I?
2. What is my purpose?
3. My job was suppose to help my husband and provide some cushion to the budget. Not so much cushion. My job used to pay for groceries. Not anymore. It doesn't even pay my gas for the week.
4. How do you reenter a work force and still have child care?
5. What does God want me to do with my life?
6. Should I go back to school?
7. Are there part time employment opportunities that will work with my childcare already in place?
These are just some of the questions, I am asking myself tonight.
Other deeper questions are:
What will they say about my life when I die?
Who did I serve?
Who did I win for Christ?
What work did I do for Him?
I have struggled with this my whole life. I always needed a job with a purpose tied to God. I went into social work for goodness sake. I always worked for non-profit organizations. God uses wounded healers and that is me. I know the right job is out there for me and God knows where it is. Pray for me, as I open my eyes, ears and heart to find the right job for me and the job that comes with a purpose.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Husband
September 19th 2008
HAPPY 3-0 to my husband. He is a little depressed about his big day. So I thought I would share 30 things you might not know about him!
1. He was the lead singer in a band at Auburn.
2. The band name was Little Red Rooster.
3. He used to sing "Hoochie Coochie Man" on stage.
4. I thought Roach was his nickname and only learned it was his last name after we had been dating awhile!
5. His college roommate was named BROTHER.(Husband weighed 130 and BROTHER weighed 320)
6. He missed a final exam one year and told the professor he was stranded in Greenville due to bad weather. (IT WORKED)
7. I had him get some moles taken off his leg, after watching a Today show episode about skin cancer.
8. He loves to fish and took me on many fishing dates!
9. He took me to a Willie Nelson concert and we sat on the front row.
10. He would take me to the Tuskegee National Forrest to spend the afternoon playing with our dogs!
11. He loves breakfast food all the time!
12. I have been washing his clothes since he met me!(1996)
13. He is a tennis freak.
14. I have only played tennis with him once. (Do you know how much running around that requires?)
15. I have never seen him enthusiastic about anything.
16. He is not a big people person.
17. He says he married me so I could talk for him.
18. He is an avid hand washer.
19. He has obsessive compulsive disorder.
20. He checks and rechecks locks, alarms, doors, stove, etc.
21. Then he checks them again.
22. He is a faithful, pessimistic Auburn fan.
23. His two least favorite things in life are ironing and bathing the kids.
24. He now sings for the kids at our church and they think he is soo cool.
25. He now plays daddy more then guitar.
26. He takes our daughter on dates more than me now and she calls them "gates."
27. He now plays t-ball and catch more then tennis with son.
28. He would give us the world if he could.(He gave us YODA)
29. He loves me 1/2 as much as I love him.
30. He will kill me for this post because it is all about him.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
In love
I have writer's block or baby brain. Yoda consumes me. I feel like a new mommy all over again. I have been up since 4:30 this morning with this cute little one. He sucks on a paci. He is sooo cute! Just look at this picture. He is one studly muffin. Thanks to Jaclyn for his baby presents! Toys, bed . . . daughter was so excited. Karen even bought him a Halloween shirt and she doesn't even like dogs. Yoda brings people together. I think because the force is with him.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
My Surgery Present

It is a BOY, yorkiepoo. He will be 10 weeks old Thursday.
What should we name him?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Surgery Stinks
I am not one that likes to be still and my surgery has forced stillness upon me. I spent the first day sleeping flat on my back and then the rest of the night throwing up. Note: after abdominal surgery, don't throw up. Getting in the floor and up again about killed me. I then developed a knot in one side that sent me back into the doctor's office the next day. More medicine and more sleeping. I will say day 3 is going much better. I was able to pick something up off the floor. The food nazi's will be excited, I have lost 5 pounds. Seems a uterus weighs a couple of pounds. I have on my Joe Jeans today and it doesn't hurt. My belly button is now a different shape. I am not real sure if it will go back to normal. Other things I have learned, betadine stains. Kinda embarrassing when you realize where all the put the betadine and you don't even remember going into surgery or who saw you.
Big thanks to husband for walking me around the house, holding my hair to throw up, washing my face with a wash rag, getting the betadine and sticky stuff off me, childcare, folding clothes, fixing meals, and using all his compassion he had on me! Bre, for forcing me to let daughter stay with you and being her carpool mommy. Karen, for getting up at the crack of dawn to get son off the school and for checking on me constantly. Sister, for taking care of daughter and being that someone she could confess her school sins too! Kristi, for organizing food for my family every night. Mother, for childcare and taking care of me! Cyndi and Dave for taking son to and from school, sometimes on last minute notice. For all my other friends, thanks for all the prayers. The prayers meant the most! To my bible study group, YOU ARE MY SISTERS. I love you all for the realness you bring to my life, for the friendship, for the support, for the challenge and for the love!
Son said, "I never knew who was going to have me!" And there have been days, I couldn't remember who had my kids. But I know one thing, God has blessed us with a wonderful support system full of Godly friends and a Godly family. Friends who put our needs before theirs. Friends who turn their own life upside down to help us. Friends who treat us like family. When we lived in Montgomery we had little to no support system. Our family was an hour away. Moving back here has been the best thing for my marriage and our family. Getting involved in church has brought friends into our life that money can't buy. Being close to family has given us so much support that money can't buy. So to you all:
Philippians 1:3 I thank my God every time I remember you

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Love to Me
War Eagle!
Took both kids to the game Saturday. It was so fun with all the kids and adults. Little hot. Lot a walking. Lot a complaining. Lot of laughs. Lot of memories.
Started back to work at the Nook today. Not so bad. 3 babies was hard work. I don't want to say that out loud because next week I will have 9! But I will already be getting a sub for Thursday so Prayers for me. I am having surgery in the morning and will probably be behind curtain four. My favorite GYN is operating on me at Shelby and I am most concerned. He thought it was closer and more convenient. I just think it is kinda scary. To all my friends and family pulling carpool duty, childcare and food prep, I LOVE you. To Kristi-the food nazi's want to know what you will be preparing and want to know if you know the sodium content.
I had a dream last night, while they had me under they did a little lipo. Then the food nazi's were so excited.
I will not be sleeping at all tonight. So if you want to talk - just call me.
Took both kids to the game Saturday. It was so fun with all the kids and adults. Little hot. Lot a walking. Lot a complaining. Lot of laughs. Lot of memories.
Started back to work at the Nook today. Not so bad. 3 babies was hard work. I don't want to say that out loud because next week I will have 9! But I will already be getting a sub for Thursday so Prayers for me. I am having surgery in the morning and will probably be behind curtain four. My favorite GYN is operating on me at Shelby and I am most concerned. He thought it was closer and more convenient. I just think it is kinda scary. To all my friends and family pulling carpool duty, childcare and food prep, I LOVE you. To Kristi-the food nazi's want to know what you will be preparing and want to know if you know the sodium content.
I had a dream last night, while they had me under they did a little lipo. Then the food nazi's were so excited.
I will not be sleeping at all tonight. So if you want to talk - just call me.
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